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Группы : Дискографии


Folkearth: "Valhalla Ascendant" – 2012

энциклопедия: Folkearth

Состав группы:

  • Emily Cooper – вокал
  • Anaïs Chevallier – вокал
  • Yanina Zelenskaya – вокал
  • Metfolvik – вокал
  • Dennis Schwachhofer – ударные
  • Nostarion – виолончель
  • Gianluca Tamburini – гитара, бас
  • Jaco – бас, гитара
  • Hildr Valkyrie – вокал
  • Kyle Freese – ударные
  • Simon Müller – акустическая гитара, мандолина, флейта
  • Michaël Fiori "Saga" – гитара, бас, вокал
  • Juan Pablo "Juskko" Churruarin – аккордеон

Folkearth: "Valhalla Ascendant" – 2012


  1. Valhalla Ascendant
  2. Solstice Fires
  3. No Mercy
  4. Winter Enthroned
  5. Hrolfr, The Viking
  6. Dragon's Blood
  7. The Brave
  8. Sail In The Wind
  9. Carved In Runes
  10. The Legend Of Thule


1. Valhalla Ascendant

Above the realm of death
Beyond the crimson clouds
Out of the winter's reach
Valhalla lies – the golden hall

It's there I shall ride
With my battlebrothers
By my side – in honour
Forever there to reside

Above the plains of pain
Beyond the dark of night
At the end of the rainbow
Valhalla lies – the golden hall

It's there I shall ride
With my battlebrothers
By my side – the glories
Of Odin shall be mine!

Above the realm of men
Beyond the rays of the sun
At life's bloody breaking
Valhalla lies – the golden hall

It's there I shall ride
With those who died
By my side – like kings
For eternity we shall dine

2. Solstice Fires

The moon waxes full
A spell of eclipse
Summoned by the orb
That welcomes winter rites!

A circle of stones
Stands silent on the hill – Brooding
Upon the ancient brow

The shadows of midnight
Grow longer – unreal
At the hour when the gods
Doth descend on the earth!

Odin shall see
Our fires at solstice!
Thor will be warned
By our fires at solstice!
Flames rise high
Burning gold and a' glow
To please the gods
And welcome solstice!

The wolves in the woods
Howl a symphony
And race under the pale
Ghoul-ridden sky

I'm standing between
the granite monoliths
No fear in my heart
As a son of the night!

Odin shall see
Our fires at solstice!
Thor will be warned
By our fires at solstice!
Flames rise high
Burning gold and a' glow
To please the gods
And welcome solstice!

3. No Mercy

In the distance
Dragon prows push through the oceans
Carrying the troops of frozen vastness domain

The rulers of the sea
Follow the lead of their elders
No fear in their eyes
Only Hardness on their faces

When we enter the forest
We brandish our swords
We gather one's courage
and resolve to defend our homes

In the distance
Resounds a distress signal
Invaders have shored
and are getting ready to defile our land

Villagers are must enter into fight
the tension is high

The rulers of the sea
Follow the lead of their elders
No mercy in their eyes
Only coolness on their faces

When we enter the forest
We brandish our swords
We gather one's courage
and resolve to defend our homes

In the distance
A thousand spears are moving forward
Trembling ground is freezing our confidence

In the distance
No one can hear our cries
Falling one by one and wiped out
By Odin's descendants

No fear in their eyes
Only hardness on their faces
No fear in their eyes
Only coolness on their faces

When we enter the forest
We brandish our swords
We gather one's courage
and resolve to defend our homes

4. Winter Enthroned

There are those who gather wood
When the mountaintops turn white
There are those who sulk scared
At the first sign of wintry spite

But I revel in the glorious sight
Of a snowstorm approaching by night
Winter enthroned is my lord and liege
I was born of its freezing heartbeat

There are those who are afraid of the night
cowering at the sound of wolverine howls'
There are those who are not at ease
When the moon is full and the hunt is on

But I revel in the glorious sight
Of a snowstorm approaching by night
Winter enthroned is my lord and liege
I was born of its freezing heartbeat

There are those who gather round the hearth
Telling tales to entertain their fears
There are those who are daunted in shame
When marches in winter cruel cavalcade

But I revel in the glorious sight
Of a snowstorm approaching by night
Winter enthroned is my lord and liege
I was born of its freezing heartbeat

5. Hrolfr, The Viking

Heir to the kingdom
Of the distant North
Exiled from the lands
Odin's eye surveys!

He turned to the sea
And high raised his sail
With sword and chainmaille
His kingly legacy!

He stormed the shores
Of Frankia's Britanny
No man could stand
Before Rollo's wrath!

Battle after battle
Normandy was forged
Under strikes of the hammer
Of the all-mighty Hrolfr!

Rollo was baptized
And were a crown of gold
To stand as king again
As destined once he was!

But the ancient roots
Never left his pagan heart
In 926 he had a hundred Christians kneel
And severed their heads
As offering to the elder gods
Of Thunder, Blood, and War!

A year later he died
The duke of Normandy
Rollo the Viking
The first of the Norman horde!

William Longsword
His son, took up the call
And led the dragon ships
Anew to hither shore...

6. Dragon's Blood

A furious blizzard rages
Forcing the pines to sway
Under its wintry whims
On the barren mountainside

A dark caver yawns wide,
Ancient pillars frame the gate
The statues of elder kings
Stand guarding riches within...

See the warrior coming out
From the depth of the Earth,,
Sword in hand, his armor torn
But with victory in his eyes!

His blade is stained with blood
And it drips on the virgin snow:
Crimson crystals on white –
Dragon's blood feeds the ground!

His lips are red, his gaze shines –
He drank the dragon's blood
And ate the beast's very heart:
Thus now immortal he stands!

Dragon's blood dripping down,
Golden flowers spring from snow:
Of all the treasure a chalice is enough
Filled to the brim with Dragon's blood!

7. The Brave

From the skies above
Growls the beast of storms,
In the dark it calls –
Rank of fear in our halls

Then wild thunder cracks,
Lo! The tempest parts:
On a bridge of gold
Thor, the brave, descends!

To bid us stand upright,
Hold our ground and fight,
Thor, the brave, has come
To succor his folk!

He will ride ahead,
Fearless to the end –
He will face the beast
With an iron fist!

His hammer is the sign
That dispels the night
Hark! His battle cry
Is the lightning of the sky!

I shall fear not the beast
That slithers at the root
Of the ancient, holy tree:
Thor, thou art with me!

To bid us stand upright,
Hold our ground and fight,
Thor, the brave, has come
To succor his folk!

He will ride ahead,
Fearless to the end –
He will face the beast
With an iron fist!

8. Sail In The Wind

With sails in the wind
Our hearts overflow with a wish:
To cross the oceans wide
And in the horizon fade!

With sails in the wind
A new journey begins –
To lands far away
With stars to shine on our way!

With sails in the wind
Drakkars tear through the mist:
No curse to hold us back
No Kraken bars our path!

With sails in the wind
We'll brave the coils of the beast,
This Leviathan of the deep –
And onwards we'll head

With sails in the wind
Our hearts overflow with a wish:
To cross the oceans wide
And in the horizon fade!

With sails in the wind
New skies await –
Strange stars and exotic winds:
Our journey begins!

9. Carved In Runes

Carved in runes,
Sung by swords –
Praised by Skalds,
The glorious names
Of the honored dead!

We will never forget
Our comrades in arms:
We'll carve it in runes,
Their fame and their deeds
The legend they wrought!

Carved in runes,
Sung by swords –
The tales of glory
And warriors old,
That never fade!

I would gladly give up
My life for a moment
Of life as they lived it,
To walk in honor, not shame:
To stand proud, never to crawl

Carved in runes,
Sung by swords –
The sagas yore,
The heroic odes:
Are never forgotten
In Valhalla's hall!

10. The Legend Of Thule

Far beyond the land of ice,
Where dragons haunt the skies,
Over the rainbow bridge
Lies the realm of Thule

Where the ice crown thaws
And the song of birds
Resounds from the polar pit –
There my heart shall forever be!

On the wings of the dragon
By the magic of old,
Where legends become real:
There, in the caverns of Thule!

The hidden sun shines upon
The hills beneath the hills –
Oceans church unseen
At the end of the arctic sea!

Spells imprison the light
In crystalline towers high –
Citadels of primordial stone
Guarded by the Hyperborean battle gods!

On the wings of the dragon
By the magic of old,
Where legends become real:
There, in the caverns of Thule!

And when the seal of ice doth break
And the mighty icebergs melt into the sea
Then the gates of Thule shall yawn wide
And the pale legions of death march forth
To conquer with steel and a fire that freeze
The corrupt and fallen world of mortal men...

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